Here's a hilarious Facebook note that a friend put up just recently:
I've decided to add some in here about school since most of us, at this point in the semester, need some relief in the classroom.
1) The important thing to do with this one is sit in view of the teacher so he/she can see you. When your instructor or professor is lecturing (usually up by the board) look at him/her with the most disgusted face possible. I like to put my hand somewhat over my mouth and make my eyes really big. Keep doing that until he/she notices. The look on their face when they realize you've been looking at them is almost always priceless.
2) This needs to be done mostly with girls because they tend to overreact to such things. As you're about to walk past a group of girls (4 at the max), pretend you are talking on your cell phone (make sure you put it on silent so it wont ring as you hold it to your ear). At the very instant you walk past them, say something very strange to borderline offensive and make sure they can hear you. Say something like "girls are retarded" Their reaction will make you laugh especially if they get mad at you and start yelling shit back. But beware that you'll pretty much be labeled an asshole.
3) This is a good one and I've done this before. Here at UH we have huge bathrooms in most of our buildings, so the likely-hood of someone being in there taking a dump is pretty good. If you know someone is in there taking a shit (they must be in a stall), while you leave, turn the light off and close the door.....LOL. You will absolutely DIE when you hear people start yelling out "UMMMM, HELLO!!! EH, MAN I'M IN HERE!!!"
4) When it's late at night here at UH, our parking structures are pretty much abandoned (hardly even security). This is usually a good time to go around and move the orange cones. What I do is arrange the cones so that cars pretty much cant go anywhere. For example, I arranged about 15 cones (they keep these things on the side of the structure for everyone to use..idiots) and I make a little lane entering the structure. But as the car follows the cones around the first turn, they are shocked to discover that the cones steers them right into a wall...LOL. It's best if you have a car so you can park it in the structure and watch from inside as confused drivers panic at not knowing what to do.
And the most funniest thing is that many of us could just picture the author of this note doing all of these! (I love #4...would definitely do that one. :D)